experience to be trusted

Residential Landscape Maintenance

Residential Landscaping  became accentual t in Vancouver and Lower Mainland. While we see more older strata complexes around Vancouver, Richmond areas, in Langley, Surrey and Coquilam regions brand residential properties seemed to appear. Landscape Maintenance is accentual to properties in all municipalities.  



Your dedicated Landscape Manager creates a short and long term plan to insure your property looks at it’s best all year round. Landscape plans for residential properties differ from plans for strata or commercial. We create a workable solution for your property specifically and follow it to insure consistency in your landscape.


Long Term Relationship

This is what differentiates us from many other landscape companies out there. Long term relationships with our clients are a top priority for us. Peace of mind for all your landscape needs. 

Keys To Success in Residential Landscape Maintenance

Proactive Communication

Communication is key to long term relationship. It is also a key to insure your landscape maintenance is done correctly and timely. 

Horticultural Practices

To keep your landscape performing to it’s potential, we follow horticultural practices proven to improve health of entire landscaped property.

Happy Staff

We are simply happy to be there. We love what we do and can’t see it any other way. Landscape Maintenance is just so much more to us.

Costumer loyalty Program

It pays not only in attractive landscape but in rewards, to stand by our model. We offer complimentary services for our long term clients in our efforts to go the extra mile.


Hardscape Service

Tandem Landscaping understands how your property was built. We build commercial landscapes. That’s why we know how to take care of them.


Lawn Enhancement Program

Lawn health is one of the most important items in residential landscape maintenance. We have numerous service to insure lush and health grass.

our capacity

Landscape Maintenance Case Study

Strata complexes and residential properties are your investment. Study shows landscape can improve property value as well as improves mental health of their residences.

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Let Us Show Your How Can We Improve Your Landscape

For any of your landscape maintenance, landscape construction and snow removal needs